Monday, January 10, 2011

Tattoodle My Noodle?

     FYI, I'm not planning on actually tattooing my noodley appendage, I'm still somewhat on the fence about getting a tattoo in the first place, but I do have ideas. Now I'm not planning on becoming one of those guys covered from head to toe in tats, but a few here and there I think is okay.

     Looking like that, whats he do for work? With that mentality in mind, (tattoos = less jobs) I'm not too hot on the idea of tattoos visible while wearing clothes. So those trendy finger mustaches are out of luck. :\

     As cool as large, elaborate area tattoos are, even in a hidden place like on my back, I'd prefer a smaller tattoo more of an object as opposed to a full elaborate scene. Also regretting a tattoo later in life is something I'd like to avoid.

     As funny as the cat tattoo is, I'd regret that after three days. So I want tattoos that are meaningful and that won't lead to regret. So I had to see what makes me, Me; after soul searching, research and development, surveys and analysis, I had some things that I could work with. I thought of making my own coat of arms, especially since I couldn't definitively find my already existing one (on both my mother's AND my father's side).  So thats an option, my own coat of arms to herald presents! I have yet to definitively come up with it though. Another decision  to make, just as important as what the tattoo is, is where to put it? I've always been fond of side tattoos.

     As awesome as nostalgic tattoos are, they're not going to be my first choice, not out of the running, but not first up at bat. But since I'm part Scottish, and feel a connection to my Scottish Celtic roots. So having a Gaelic word tattoo seems very appropriate. I have researched Scottish Gaelic via online translators and I would like to tattoo the word "Creid" to my left side. Creid is the Scottish Gaelic word for "Believe." Now I need to find a font. Also, since I was born in Washington state, I have a connection to the Indian art work of the Pacific Northwest (even though I am not myself Indian). So I would also like to have this tattooed on my left side:

     It is an Orca, a.k.a. Killer Whale. With the juxtaposition of my Gaelic "Creid" and this orca would create an addition meaning completely separate from their individual meanings. In my Senior year of high school I had the privilege to take the Apple certification course to become Apple Pro Certified, Final Cut Pro 6, Level One, something I'm very proud of. In that course we edited footage from the the new Seaworld show Believe. So an Orca next to the word believe ("Creid") is a clever way to be proud of that fact where as most people just use the apple logo.


     I saw Tron: Legacy last month which gave my eyes orgasms, so much so that I had to have more. Baby needed his crack so instead of paying money to go watch the film again I decided to Google image search instead. Whilst I gave my eyes a cheap substitute for the real deal, I stumbled upon a girl who had made her own Quorra costume this past Halloween.


     I read that she used faux leather and Electroluminescent (EL) wire or tape to create this DIY Tron: Legacy costume. After seeing such inspirational innovation, I decided that I too wanted to create my very own light up Tron outfit. So instead of just blindly searching for "Tron" and "Tron: Legacy," I decided to look up Tron outfits more specifically. One thing I saw was this official merchandise motorcycle outfit. Instead of EL wire, or any other form of illumination, they use reflective tape.

     I mean, these are cool and all, but I want something that actually lights up, also these are a bit on the pricey side. So its back t scratch DIY for this guy. I then again made a more specific search for homemade Tron outfits. And what I found was outstanding. I had stumbled upon something thats been on the internet for over five years, I discovered the Tron Guy.


    Now, his costume is from the old school 1982 Tron. The original Tron isn't as popular as the one and is, in some circles, placed in the same category as playing Dungeons and Dragons (D&D). But say what you will about the Tron Guy, he is extraordinarily brave and has gained fame (or notoriety?) from this endeavor. He's been spoofed and interviewed several times.


     So since 2003, when he created his costume, hes gained much media attention especially with the new movie that just came out. But still I want my costume to be more of the new movie's style as opposed to the original's (despite my liking of nostalgia). So now its all of how to make it all work, how to put the costume together. I'm thinking of a black morphsuit as the base underneath it all, also some black leather motorcycle boots and motorcycle helmet. The armor and EL wire are the tricky parts. I've never used EL wire before personally, but I'm not a complete noob. I've known about the stuff for over a year due to one of my best friends, Blyth, who has used it before for her own outfits. So I'll have someone for referencing (thumbs up). But the armor, I'm a little clueless. I could get chunks of plastic for my chest, shoulders, and gauntlets but where does one find such plastic? Also I don't know what to do with my lower half. I may be ballsy at times but I don't necessarily want my junk just hanging out there, and with just the morphsuit I can have no shame. So I'll need to think of how to do that, leather pants maybe? However I end up doing it, I'm sure it'll come out great and I'll have a blast making it!