Sunday, July 17, 2011

The End is Over

So a few hours ago the Carmegeddon contsruction ended and the 405 opened up a good 12 hours ahead of schedule, kudos to the workers. And as you might have guessed, I did infact survive. The media went overboard with predictions of the “diaster” that Carmegeddon was going to be, and scared everyone stupid. But due to all those overhyped tactics, most everyone seemed to stay home and off the freeways leaving it wide open for me to clear across all of L.A. With no problems. My mom kept saying, “I wish it was Carmegeddon every weekend.” And if the freeways weren't clear due to everyone staying home, then maybe since it's Carmegeddon everyone else was just raptured?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Are They Really That Much Faster?

     The large square above that reminds you of missingno, is a QR Code, or Quick Response Code. They started off used as marking auto parts for Toyota, but have spread onto other products. I'm sure you've seen one somewhere, on a flyer for a store perhaps? On a package from FedEx maybe? Either way, all they are are barcodes. Now I don't have all the facts, but I'm not sure how slow old fashion barcodes are. Are QR codes going to replace the barcodes we've come to know and love within the next decade or two? Only Time will tell.

The End is Near!

     So for those of you not in the Southern California area, today is the eve of Carmegeddon. Which is what the media has dubbed this weekend since a 10 mile stretch of the I-405 through the Sepulveda Pass will be closed due to maintenance. 

     Los Angeles has been going mad for the past month talking about this. I've heard such claims as the 405 will be backed up in traffic as far as the Mexican border. As for me, I don't know how long I'll survive during Carmegeddon, but I hope I survive as well as I did on the rapture in May.

A little early there buddy.