Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Saying Goodbye, Why is it Sad?"

     The other day, I had to take my 12 year old cat to get euthanized. She had stopped eating and drinking for over a month and was in a steady decline of health. So the other day my mom made the call that it was her time and Salem was telling us she was ready to go. Enough details about that.

     So this isn't my first rodeo, I've owned nine cats over my lifespan, and had four pass away on me. It doesn't really make it any easier, the death of a loved one is always tough and hard to deal with. I lost a cat about a year and a half ago, and that one hit me really hard, didn't help that I had to work that day and couldn't be in his company during his last hours. I was with Salem when she was taken in, but had to work later that night. The first cat I lost was back in 2004, I was in eighth grade and was on a band field trip/ concert at Disneyland. When I was returned to the school and being picked up by my mom, she broke me the bad news. It was tough, not just because it was my first lost cat but, because she had been in the hospital for a few weeks, again that lost time to treasure those moments you'll regret not cherishing when you had the chance.