Thursday, December 6, 2012

Hollywood IS Hard...

.... especially for Kimmykim and Frutron. So I've seen a few of their video's a couple months ago, but since working overnights at paradise has put my sleep cycle in a talespin towards either insanity or insomnia; dunno yet though since I haven't reached the fork in the road, I've been up all night and I purged through ALL of their videos. If you trust my opinion, because I've given you so much of my credentials, you should check them out. They're two hilarious chikoritas, who are on the rise and can only get funnier.

     Well I guess this fanboy post is shorter than expected. I always plan to have my thoughts elaborated and colourful, but usually end up three sentences. Better than useless irrelevant ramblings of the insane and depraved, no?

     P.S. They are really funny.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Set Sail Young Man, Adventure is Beyond the Horizon

     As of late I have IMMERSED myself into dubstep (and other remixes and such), with all my findings from YouTube. I didn't just get into it, I've enjoyed the stuff for the better part of a year or so. But the past few days I've become almost addicted. I do nothing but sit on YouTube searching for dubstep remixes of theme songs to shows and video games of my beloved childhood; Transformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, Legend of Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong, Pokemon,  Street Fighter, Thundercats, and many, many more. Me only working part-time with not much else to do has done nothing but to incubate this habit for me. Luckily, I don't think that I am in too deep as to where I become an elitist and do nothing but eat, sleep, breathe dubstep, especially since I've never become that way with anything else in my life, outside of a few days and never outside of my home. 

     But in my "travels" through, what I am right now creating and copywriting the term, the Dubsterverse, I have discovered a device for sound mixing called a launch pad. And no its not Launchpad McQuack from DuckTales and Darkwing Duck. It looks like a prop for a sci-fi keyboard, and seems absolutely awesome! The Novation Launchpad for use with Ableton Live software seems really cool, and I have no experience in producing electronic music but this thing is tempting me to venture into that field. 

Novation Launchpad

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Two Jobs, Too Many; Mo' Money Mo' Problems

     So I work two jobs at the moment, one of which is at the Aztec Hotel the other being Toys R Us. I've been at the hotel for eight months now since October, and I worked at Toys R Us back in December but was a seasonal worker but was recently rehired. I'm not sure if having two jobs and no car is a really good idea though. 
     I work a full 40 hours a week at the hotel and less than 20 a week at Toys, but my hours are so sporadic that it takes its toll. Earlier this week it seemed I worked nonstop going back and forth betwixt the two employers causing my feet to blister more so than an overcooked hotdog in a microwave. I did however, get two days off in a row to recuperate. I also decided to replace my old sneakers and get gel insoles to prevent further hotdog feet.
     To give you an example of how hectic the beginning of my week was here's how it went down: 

                Works Sunday 11pm to Monday 7am at the Aztec, then works Monday 8am-12pm at Toys R Us,     then back to the Aztec Monday 3pm - 11pm. Then Tuesday 7am-11am at Toys R Us, then Tuesday 3pm-11pm at the Aztec. Then Wednesday 6am at Toys R Us until 12pm then back to the Aztec 3pm-11pm on Wednesday.

     As you might have guessed, I did survive.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Sun God: Another Year for Good Times

    Some of you may have read my post last year on the subject of Sun God: 

UCSD: Best Party School Ever! And if you didn't you can follow the link that I just gave you. Also here's the line up for this year's festival. So I got back from San Diego today after a wonderful four day weekend down there. It was my third year doing this wonderful event and I wish I could do it more than only once a year! It's so much fun and its only better in the company of my friends I spent this weekend with. 

Chiddy Bang

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Le Vortex de eBay

     Over the past two weeks I've been perusing through eBay. It started with finding a watch, and has lead to, luckily only, a few more purchases. I've made a total of four purchases these past two weeks, but the reason I keep going back is because I have yet to receive my orders. Since I haven't received them yet, I keep checking their tracking progress, and then look at other things and because I see things, I want these things, and I have money at the moment so I can buy things; a vicious cycle I'm hoping to break soon, since I don't need anything else on eBay. The reason I have yet to obtain my orders is because three quarters of them are coming from China, through the China post, which I now despise (term used loosely) since I am way to anxious to receive in the mail. Its better than Christmas

Watch I purchased on eBay, coming from China.

Another watch from China on eBay, only $3.00, basis of said addiction.

Copper cigarette case from China, wanted for business cards.

Stainless steel cigarette case, which came with a free personal engraving, from California.

     So these are my four eBay purchases over the past two weeks. Hopefully I can show some restraint now since the stainless steel cigarette case and the golden mechanical watch should be arriving on Tuesday. I seriously get too excited from this. The other watch should be here before May 18th at the latest, just in time for Sun God! Another thing I'm excited for, well both the watch and Sun God.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Like A Baus!

     So yesterday, as I ventured back into my old stomping grounds and hung out with old chums, I decided to purchase a Nintendo 3DS. The friends I was visiting already had ones of their own and were very enthusiastic about the idea of me also having one, but when I said to go out and buy one right then they had a look of shock on their faces, as if getting one without pining for it for months was peculiar. Even though I've shown interest in getting one and have been goaded by them for the past two months. But I guess because I decided to do it right then and there with no prior thought of when to obtain one was odd. Later that evening, one of my friends said that I purchased my 3DS like a boss cause I just went out and did it. So moral of the story kids, being spontaneous is still appreciated in our society, and is looked on in awe and amazement, but usually only if it involves more than $40. Anyway, I'm a boss and I have a new gizmo to fiddle with since it has all these gadgets and pieces to tinker with. 


When attempting to purchase said 3DS, I wanted a special edition one either for Mario or Zelda (which was a bundle pack including the game accompanying its theme), but after three GameStops, a Best Buy, and Fry's, I learned that the special edition was a limited edition for the holidays. So I settled for cosmos black and a clear case with a holographic, interchangeable Megaman decal.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Catching Up, Uninspired

     So I haven't made a post in awhile, two months precisely. I now have myself a laptop, after over six years going without my own computer, I dished out a grand and I have not regretted it. 17.3" screen, i7 intel processor, blu-ray player and so much more. I no longer have to weasel my way onto others to peruse the intarweb. I am now the proud owner to sport a HP Pavilion dv7.

     Also, in December I picked up a second job, in addition to my desk clerk position at the Aztec Hotel, at Toys R Us as a back of house specialist. Though due to only being a seasonal employee, I was let go. I had a great two week span working there.

    Random pics for kicks and giggles: