Sunday, February 19, 2012

Like A Baus!

     So yesterday, as I ventured back into my old stomping grounds and hung out with old chums, I decided to purchase a Nintendo 3DS. The friends I was visiting already had ones of their own and were very enthusiastic about the idea of me also having one, but when I said to go out and buy one right then they had a look of shock on their faces, as if getting one without pining for it for months was peculiar. Even though I've shown interest in getting one and have been goaded by them for the past two months. But I guess because I decided to do it right then and there with no prior thought of when to obtain one was odd. Later that evening, one of my friends said that I purchased my 3DS like a boss cause I just went out and did it. So moral of the story kids, being spontaneous is still appreciated in our society, and is looked on in awe and amazement, but usually only if it involves more than $40. Anyway, I'm a boss and I have a new gizmo to fiddle with since it has all these gadgets and pieces to tinker with. 


When attempting to purchase said 3DS, I wanted a special edition one either for Mario or Zelda (which was a bundle pack including the game accompanying its theme), but after three GameStops, a Best Buy, and Fry's, I learned that the special edition was a limited edition for the holidays. So I settled for cosmos black and a clear case with a holographic, interchangeable Megaman decal.