Saturday, April 28, 2012

Le Vortex de eBay

     Over the past two weeks I've been perusing through eBay. It started with finding a watch, and has lead to, luckily only, a few more purchases. I've made a total of four purchases these past two weeks, but the reason I keep going back is because I have yet to receive my orders. Since I haven't received them yet, I keep checking their tracking progress, and then look at other things and because I see things, I want these things, and I have money at the moment so I can buy things; a vicious cycle I'm hoping to break soon, since I don't need anything else on eBay. The reason I have yet to obtain my orders is because three quarters of them are coming from China, through the China post, which I now despise (term used loosely) since I am way to anxious to receive in the mail. Its better than Christmas

Watch I purchased on eBay, coming from China.

Another watch from China on eBay, only $3.00, basis of said addiction.

Copper cigarette case from China, wanted for business cards.

Stainless steel cigarette case, which came with a free personal engraving, from California.

     So these are my four eBay purchases over the past two weeks. Hopefully I can show some restraint now since the stainless steel cigarette case and the golden mechanical watch should be arriving on Tuesday. I seriously get too excited from this. The other watch should be here before May 18th at the latest, just in time for Sun God! Another thing I'm excited for, well both the watch and Sun God.