Sunday, June 24, 2012

Two Jobs, Too Many; Mo' Money Mo' Problems

     So I work two jobs at the moment, one of which is at the Aztec Hotel the other being Toys R Us. I've been at the hotel for eight months now since October, and I worked at Toys R Us back in December but was a seasonal worker but was recently rehired. I'm not sure if having two jobs and no car is a really good idea though. 
     I work a full 40 hours a week at the hotel and less than 20 a week at Toys, but my hours are so sporadic that it takes its toll. Earlier this week it seemed I worked nonstop going back and forth betwixt the two employers causing my feet to blister more so than an overcooked hotdog in a microwave. I did however, get two days off in a row to recuperate. I also decided to replace my old sneakers and get gel insoles to prevent further hotdog feet.
     To give you an example of how hectic the beginning of my week was here's how it went down: 

                Works Sunday 11pm to Monday 7am at the Aztec, then works Monday 8am-12pm at Toys R Us,     then back to the Aztec Monday 3pm - 11pm. Then Tuesday 7am-11am at Toys R Us, then Tuesday 3pm-11pm at the Aztec. Then Wednesday 6am at Toys R Us until 12pm then back to the Aztec 3pm-11pm on Wednesday.

     As you might have guessed, I did survive.