Thursday, December 6, 2012

Hollywood IS Hard...

.... especially for Kimmykim and Frutron. So I've seen a few of their video's a couple months ago, but since working overnights at paradise has put my sleep cycle in a talespin towards either insanity or insomnia; dunno yet though since I haven't reached the fork in the road, I've been up all night and I purged through ALL of their videos. If you trust my opinion, because I've given you so much of my credentials, you should check them out. They're two hilarious chikoritas, who are on the rise and can only get funnier.

     Well I guess this fanboy post is shorter than expected. I always plan to have my thoughts elaborated and colourful, but usually end up three sentences. Better than useless irrelevant ramblings of the insane and depraved, no?

     P.S. They are really funny.