Friday, December 10, 2010

Oh the People We Meet

So today after bolting out of my mom's car in the middle of the street to get to the Gold Line, I get my ticket and head down the stairs to wait on the platform. Right after I sit down this little ol' Asian lady in a red knit sweater comes up to me and says, "Jesus Christ loves you. You are blessed because Jesus Christ loves you." All in her somewhat typical little ol' Asian lady voice. She then proceeded to ask me my name.
I respond, "Brian." And she once again repeated how Jesus loves me and mumbled something while making and hand gesture towards her chin as if she was commenting on my beard and maybe she somewhat thought I looked like Jesus. I'm not entirely sure what the last part was.
I haven't been told that I look like Jesus since around the tenth grade when I had long hair, prior to this possible time. And with my short vertically lifted hair cut I'm currently sporting, I'm not so sure if I still look like the son of God.

So you tell me, do I look like Jesus?


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