Sunday, February 6, 2011

In Soviet Russia,

      This tale begins like three hours ago. My mother went out to be with her friend leaving me alone at home with nothing to do. This didn't help the fact that my feelings of being isolated have grown over the past few weeks. So instead of going out on the town Saturday night, I lived it up by using the internet on my mom's computer as opposed to my iPhone. Party animal, I know. As my mother dolled up to go out, I plan on what I shall do with my night. Then the idea hit me! (Background info to make sense of upcoming plot: due to her moving, my friend decided that she no longer wanted her Russian-style looking fur cap and gave it to me.) The hat I just got from my friend! I'll take a picture of myself and Photoshop it to say "In Soviet Russia," jokes! And so I did, here are the fruits of my labor:

     The visual idea for the pictures come from existing memes like Socially Awkward / Awesome Penguin, Insanity Wolf, Foul Bachelor Frog, etc.

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