Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Rough & Tumble Times in Palm Springs

     Last week I went on vacation with some friends in Cathedral City. Cathedral City not actually being Palm Springs but one of the several "desert colonies" which to anyone outside of them calling it Palm Springs will safise. Whilst I was there, I drove my friend's parents' golf cart around the complex (which is LOADS of fun!) At one point during my drive I needed to back up and turn into a downhill street, so feeling cocky, I decided to do everything in one foul swoop (at full speed.) After analyzing the task ahead I switched the cart into reverse, floored it, and made my turn. By making the near 90 degree angle backwards at 25 mph the cart decided at no longer liked me and tossed me out on my ass. Everything slowed down, my hands slipped off the stirring wheel, the strirring wheel got farther and farther away from me, then I hit the asphalt (hard) on my ass, then my shoulders slammed down and my legs were in the air. I then sat up, saw my friend in the passenger seat shellshocked, jaw-dropped. The cart, still in reverse, was tying to climb a small wall. I got up off of the asphalt and turned the cart into forward and hoped back into the drivers seat. My friend asked if I was alright, I retorted that I was fine. He then asked if I wanted him to drive back and I was like nah Man, I'm still rearin' to drive this cart around! He then noticed how my shoulders were bleeding slighty and that still didn't stop my enthusiasm. I then drove around the complex some more and while on the green, the cart's battery ran out of power. So my friend and I got out and started pushing off the green and onto the street. We realized that we were on the opposite side of the complex and headed toward the main road. A gardener driving around saw our peril and asked if we'd liked to be towed back to the condo, we of course said yes and it was then only a few minutes back as opposed the hour or so it would've taken other wise pushing by foot.
     Back at the condo I decided to inspect my wounds. I went into the bathroom, lifted my shirt and saw what would horrify anyone else who looked upon it. My elbow was dinged up a tad, I had scrapes and scratches all along my shoulders, and right above my ass was this large red mass of a scrape which hurt the most. So I cleaned up a bit and went on my merry way.
     To this day (a week later) I still have all three wounds, but they're healing quite nicely. They're now all scabs which are just delightfully itchy.

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