Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Immovable Object vs. Unstoppable Force

See Chuck Norris does have a chin, not a third fist.

     The age old saying "when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object." Will one triumph over the other? Which one is it better to be? Its a paradox, for if they meet at a 'stalemate' then the immovable object wins since the unstoppable force has, well stopped. And if the force does proceed past the object then the object is no longer unmovable, right? I may have a loop hole to all this madness.

Shazam vs. Superman

     So said loophole, it deals with the size ratio between the object and the force. Say the unstoppable force is a laser beam roughly an inch in diameter, and the unmovable object is a large mountain [like there's small mountain, in comparison to inch-wide laser beams]. If the laser beam goes all the way though the mountain, the laser being the force never stopped and the mountain never moved. Huzzah! Eureka! I have solved this age old paradox! I'll now accept my Nobel Peace Prize.

The Juggernaut [Left]
The Blob [Right]

Thursday, March 24, 2011

So Many Decisions

     Next month I'm due for a new phone upgrade, and just in time, since my current phone is glitching out on me, biggest glitch being the fact I can't hear phone calls unless I have the head set or speaker phone on. And to think that the EnV3 was so cool two years ago and now its an ancient artifact. I'm thinking about getting a smart phone with my upgrade, and since I'm on the Verizon network the big debate is Droid vs. iPhone. I'm leaning towards iPhone since I'm already familiar with it and I like Mac products. That does however kind of take away of the allure of figuring out your new toy [phone] on the first day, but I'm familiar with the iPhone 3 not 4 so I'll still have some fun. I'm not 100% though on if I want a touch screen for my phone, a touch screen is fine and all, but for my phone I do enjoy buttons which the Droid 2 has. If I did decide against the iPhone and went for the Droid, (theres multiple Doids, I'd probably go for either the 2 or the X) I'd lean more towards the 2 since it has a qwerty keyboard as opposed to a full touch screen. But I can't make any final decisions on the matter until I'm at the store making the upgrade knowing prices and such. I might not even have a smart phone next month at all. Who knows, but I will most likely give an update on it when it happens.

Grindr Logo
     So I do have an iPhone 3 that was a hand-me-down from my cousin when he upgraded, that I use for internet access and app-ing. While perusing the app store under the category "Social Networking," I found the Grindr app which a friend of mine has been razzing me to get. Grindr is an app that helps Gay and Bi curious guys find each other. "Hey Brian, why are you talking about Grindr?" said the theoretical voice. Good question. As I said I've heard about the app but never before seen the logo, until last night. And I just think that the logo looks really cool. 

     When I saw the Grindr app, I decided to take a look to see what all the hubbub was about, and I saw this theoretical meeting of two guys via the app. The conversation to the left is two guys chatting for the first time and before they say 'how are you?' they plan to meet up. This would NEVER happen between a heterosexual guy and girl. Gay people (men and women) seem to have this awesome openness when it comes to flirting and dating. Straight people always beat around the bush, and pussyfoot around; but if they didn't, it wouldn't work out!? While pondering this situation last night I had an epiphany about it; women are afraid of men, and men are afraid that women are afraid of them. So with all these fears heterosexuals have put up an obstacle course for dating that gay people decided to tear down since no one really like jumping through these hoops. So women: not all guys are complete douches (most probably are, but whatever), descent guys do exist. So next time you're out and about checking out groups of hot studly men type creatures, maybe you shouldn't try to hit up the alpha male of the group because he's most likely to be a douche. Just like the food pyramid, the very top is full of fats and oils. So maybe go more for the stud who seems next in line, he may be your knight in shining armor. But then again, if you're checking out a hoard of bros who have a designated 'alpha male,' there's a 90% chance that they're all complete douches. :/
Fats and oils: use sparingly