Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Immovable Object vs. Unstoppable Force

See Chuck Norris does have a chin, not a third fist.

     The age old saying "when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object." Will one triumph over the other? Which one is it better to be? Its a paradox, for if they meet at a 'stalemate' then the immovable object wins since the unstoppable force has, well stopped. And if the force does proceed past the object then the object is no longer unmovable, right? I may have a loop hole to all this madness.

Shazam vs. Superman

     So said loophole, it deals with the size ratio between the object and the force. Say the unstoppable force is a laser beam roughly an inch in diameter, and the unmovable object is a large mountain [like there's small mountain, in comparison to inch-wide laser beams]. If the laser beam goes all the way though the mountain, the laser being the force never stopped and the mountain never moved. Huzzah! Eureka! I have solved this age old paradox! I'll now accept my Nobel Peace Prize.

The Juggernaut [Left]
The Blob [Right]

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