Monday, April 11, 2011

Captain Planet: The Forgotten Super Hero

     Deep down in our hearts, we never did forget this shiny blue- skinned, green mulleted hero of the ecosystem. But we don't bring him into question when we ask if Spider-Man would kick Sabertooth's ass either. This righteous hero of Earth and nonpolluting captivated the many eyes of children in the early ninety's to reduce, reuse, and recycle in a way teacher's in public schools could never accomplish. So I've caught an episode or two lately on Boomerang when they play it at 3A.M. and I'm still in front of the T.V. I remember watching back in the day and how the Planeteers always wanted me to make a compost heap in my backyard and tell big corporations to stop polluting, and their super catchy theme song that without prompting (or seeing/hearing in a decade) broke out into spontaneously in high school and last month. While watching these episodes, I heard some terms that I don't remember then but are pretty heated political  debate topics of today, like global warming. Once I heard that I then thought, 'why is global warming just now (well past 6-7 years mostly) coming into question, when a children's T.V. show 20 years ago was talking about it?' Which I then proceeded to think why don't we have congress and the rest of the world's leaders sit down and watch a Captain Planet marathon so they can learn what fossil fuels are doing to the planet and how to slow down global warming and help keep the Earth clean? I really don't see why oil barons aren't picking up on these renewable energy resources, they don't need to give up oil, but if they went to solar, after the initial cost of setup and operations, they would virtually be making pure profit due to a low cost for maintenance and no need to hire so many people to gather the fuel and refine it etc. All in all it would cut costs in the long run and save the planet. 

     Captain Planet is comprised five teens from all over the globe, except for Australia, fuck Australia right? I mean its just a big deserty England anyways right? Thats how I feel most media thinks of Australia when they're thinking global diversity and trying to incorporate all the continents. So the Planeteers are Kwame: the calm, cool and collected leader wielding the powers of Earth from Africa; Wheeler: the hot headed American who's used as comic relief and blurts out the ignorance's of American people wielding the powers of Fire; Linka: the barely English speaking (only Planeteer who speaks English poorly by the way) Soviet Russian (to prove how Russians were no longer bad guys after the Cold War) sex appeal wielding the powers of Wind; Gi: the spunky East Asian girl wielding the powers of Water; and last and certainly least, Ma-Ti: the South American youngster who always falls into the trap set up by the badies first and who always needs to be saved wielding the powers of Heart. Ma-Ti is so lame and useless that they give him a monkey just so he's not a complete waste of time.

"By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!"
     And remember kids, the power is yours!

Monday, April 4, 2011

My International Audience

     While looking at my "stats" for my blog I have noticed that my posts have gone past the borders from sea to shining sea, and has reached a few abroad. Every time I see that my eyes shimmer and sparkle in awe and love, and it just makes my day.

Before you get all excited U.S., I'm fairly sure that most
of those 259 views are mine,  definitely half are. :/

     So I thank you Mexico, Canada, U.K., Malaysia, Indonesia, Italy, Puerto Rico, Australia, New Zealand, France, Latvia and Argentina. You guys are my heroes! Even if you guys aren't reading this and just happened to have skimmed across my site by chance I still thank you. So please continue to read, if desired of course, and make yourself known. I'd be happy to connect with my audience.

     Also while looking at my stats, it seems that you guys like rainbows and Tron. So I guess I should add more stuff like that huh?

     Anyway, hope you guys enjoy it. I love you all! Muah :*

Why's Everyone After My Cell Phone?

     I've noticed lately the huge rise in claims of importance to recycle one's old electronics; cells, batteries, laptops, etc. But why does one have to go to a special location to do it and not just toss it in the recycling receptacle every trash day? Is it because the recycling thats picked up every Monday morning from my blue can actually just goes to the same place as the black can? Or is it a much larger operation?
     Maybe these 'recyclers' are taking the old electronics for some sinister scheme. A scheme so sinister it could involve the production of robots! Thats right! The government is possibly taking our outdated, malfunctioning, replaced electronics to maybe make robot armies to perhaps take over the world. We have to stand up against this malfeasant robot army scheme and create a rebel alliance to counteract these robotic overlords, if that is the case.

Writing > Reading

     Normally, a good writer is also an avid reader, but I barely read and I like to write. Am I some strange anomaly, or is it just a product of the times. The way we communicate now a days via e-mail, IMing, text messaging, facebook; we write all day long. So with us communicating to each other by writing all day long its no wonder why I like to write even without reading avidly. But am I writing because I like to write? Or because, like the rest of my generation, I like to hear myself talk?