Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Surviving Burgergeddon

     So as many as you know, Burger King had a huge promotion yesterday selling Whoppers at the reduced price of 88¢ due to it being August eighth (8/8). Now if you went to one of these establishments you would have most likely saw a horrific scene of cars backed up from the drive thru for almost a whole block, people swarming the inside of the restaurant, and employees frantically flame broiling burgers in the back. And due to all this chaos, the average order took about a half hour or more to finally get your food. I personally waited an hour, the main reason was because they lost about 50 of the order tickets. They were calling "20" and then orders were being called from "74". I could see that the tickets out of the machine were being neglected and ended up piling in the trash can below it. So anyway, getting a Whopper yesterday was a huge fiasco that wasn't thought about in advanced too well. But I did get my Whopper for only 88¢.

On a side note, Burgergeddon was totally worse than Carmegeddon. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Why Not? We Already Do It To Sheep

     Cloning, some say its unethical and playing God. Maybe it is, I'm not the person to say, only because I forgot to sign for the credential over the interwebs. Anyway, we've successfully cloned (to my knowledge) sheep, kittens, and puppies. Life's necessities right? Why don't we clone endangered species? I found out the other day that the Northern White Rhinoceros has only seven, SEVEN, left on the planet, all of which are in captivity. That should be species numero uno to clone, or at least top ten. Also, I believe that pretty much any large animal on the planet today is either endangered or in danger of becoming endangered, except for maybe grizzly bears, haven't heard much disastrous news about them. But despite my tangents, I think that cloning endangered species is a good task to put our world's geneticists to. 

Is that your horn, or are you just excited to see me?

Generic [90's?] endangered species wildlife puzzle, for the kids.

And of course, we must preserve the North American Idiot. Our country's prized possession.