Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Surviving Burgergeddon

     So as many as you know, Burger King had a huge promotion yesterday selling Whoppers at the reduced price of 88¢ due to it being August eighth (8/8). Now if you went to one of these establishments you would have most likely saw a horrific scene of cars backed up from the drive thru for almost a whole block, people swarming the inside of the restaurant, and employees frantically flame broiling burgers in the back. And due to all this chaos, the average order took about a half hour or more to finally get your food. I personally waited an hour, the main reason was because they lost about 50 of the order tickets. They were calling "20" and then orders were being called from "74". I could see that the tickets out of the machine were being neglected and ended up piling in the trash can below it. So anyway, getting a Whopper yesterday was a huge fiasco that wasn't thought about in advanced too well. But I did get my Whopper for only 88¢.

On a side note, Burgergeddon was totally worse than Carmegeddon. 

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