Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ancient Civilizations Older Than We Think

So everyone's heard of Atlantis, or at least most people. But of late this subject has peaked my interest again. All of this started when my friend told me about his findings of vimanas, ancient Indian flying crafts. So we did the first thing any scientifically minded youngsters of our time do, we Googled it. We discovered that there were actual blueprints found about the crafts and that when made into models actually fly. The most intriguing facts though are that the documents about vimanas are dated over 10,000 years ago. Why is that so intriguing you ask? Because Homo sapiens have been on the Earth about 200,000 years, reaching full behavioral modernity for around 50,000 years, and modern archaeology says that we were hunter gatherers living in caves until around 6000 years ago. So if there modern archaeology is right, then where did these documents on vimanas come from and why are they dated over 4000 years prior to the "birth" of civilization?

Along with writing of the ancient Indian airships, vimanas, there were also accounts of a huge land mass that is now submerged that connected the Southern tip of India and Sri Lanka to Madagascar and the Western edge of Australia called Kumari Kundam. This place is just as legendary as Atlantis, just not as known in Western civilization because we don't seem to care about anything past this side of Constantinople. But why if such a large landmass existed, is it now submerged? Well the last ice age we had fully melted around 9000 years ago, raising sea levels that submerged roughly the same amount of land as Europe and China combined. So if Kumari Kundam was just at a lower elevation than everything, that would explain why its now submerged. This too would also explain why Atlantis would be submerged.

So back to Atlantis. Plato is the only one in Western civilization to have accounts of Atlantis that we know of. And he said that it was outside the Pillars of Hercules, which is believed to be present-day the Straight of Gibraltar.

More recently others have thought Atlantis could be in the Caribbean Sea near the Bermuda Triangle. Which is understandable when seeing things like Bimini Road and the Pyramid like structure Paulina Zelitsky found off the West coast of Cuba. But I believe its right where Plato said it was, in the middle of the Atlantic, but I'm not saying that cause I'm a hardcore Plato fan, but because I looked it up, but where else, yes Google! I Google mapped the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and guess what I found, I found a couple of small islands atop of a sea mount range. (Zoom out from the link on Google Maps and you'll see the islands' placement)
What I don't understand is if I can find that via the internet on a consumer grade computer, hell, I did it first on my iPhone, but why can't archaeologists go search around there for any submerged structures or artifacts? With enough searching I'm sure they'll find something.

I've spat out a lot of info your way and its a little late (at the moment), so continuity might be a little askew. My main point is that modern mainstream archaeology doesn't seem to be up to date. Once I heard that we've have had our current full mental capacity for over 50,000 years and that civilizations have only been around for 6000 years I knew there was something wrong. If we've come this far in the past 6000 years, not even, the past 100 years, HELL, the past 10 years technologically; then why the hell can someone think we did nothing but live in caves for over 40,000 years doing no more than discovering fire, the wheel and painting on the walls? Its ignorant to think that for six times as long as we have had civilization recorded we did nothing with that time.

My friend and I came across ancient Indian stories about how Atlantis and Kumari Kundam use to wage war against one another, being the two most technologically advanced powerhouses on the planet at the time. And how they had the vimanas and weapons of great power, they describe what would be similar to laser guns and radiation beams. And how their final battles blew each other up and submerged both continents causing the world to go into a dark age. And with this information added to how long we've had our mental capacity, I can completely believe that mankind, over 10,000 years ago, was more advanced then we are and blew each other up so bad that it created a dark age and all documents were virtually lost. With 40,000 years of development I can believe this planet has seen flying crafts and atomic weaponry when mainstream archaeology says we were living in caves. There have been numerous dark ages, the most famous being Europe's around a 1000 years ago.  

There are so many more things yet to be discovered in this world, about our past and whats yet to come.

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