Sunday, October 16, 2011

All Hallow's Eve, Cyberspace to Asgard

     Back in January I wanted to create my own personal Tron costume for Halloween. But due to my lack of employment, receiving all the necessary components became an issue. In May, due to the release of the movie, Thor, I was bombarded with comments of how much I look like the title character. From there on my plans for October's last day were to dress up as the son of Odin due to its lack of fiscal investment. All I need is a Mjolnir, and I'm rearing to go, because I'm just going to wear a plaid shirt as stated in my previous post, Thor Dilemma. But all this pondering upon Halloween's guise could be to no avail due to my lack of actual plans for the day in question. *le sigh*
     On a not-so-totally-but-still-completely unrelated note, I've gone from looking like Jesus in tenth grade to looking like Thor. I guess there's a godly presence about me huh?

     Final note, I am no longer unemployed and am happy to work at the Aztec Hotel. Yay money!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Day Has Come!

     For my avid followers, I have finally replaced my old EnV3 for the LG Octane. After many months of waiting, and numerous out-of-stock-when-I-go-to-the-store moments I have a new phone! Bully for me! And just in time, for my EnV3 has been putzing out on my by either withholding my texts or never letting me see my outgoing texts along with only working on speaker phone. Either way, I'm quite excited about and all is good!

For shits and giggles: