Friday, February 18, 2011

Tumblr: 4chan for Hipsters

Tumblr, the extremely popular and trendy "blogging" site. I didn't know about Tumblr until I saw it all over my facebook news feed. And now it seems to be the hosting site for many memes. Most of these memes were first introduced on 4chan, the scourge of the internet where there is no rules nor regulations and one can find any defiled piece of childhood one can imagine. But this isn't the first thing I've seen Tumblr steal, Twitter's logo used to be a "T" very similar to Facebook's "F" logo, but Tumblr now has the "T" while Twitter has a blue swallow as their logo.

Tumblr logo

So Tumblr is an icon thief, in my opinion.  Not only that I rarely see anyone actually really "blog" on their own pages. I see mostly "reblogged" images. So not only does the website steal from other websites, it encourages theft amongst its members. 

Twitter logos
But back to the correlation between Tumblr and 4chan. 4chan's been around for a few years now, and I first heard of it in high school. It was like a "meeting of the minds" in an old school 90's internet chat forum. Its just that these minds are not ones would particularly desire to become engaged in conversation with. As I mentioned earlier, anything defiling you can think of about any childhood memories (in pop culture) exists within the forum walls of 4chan. 
Facebook logo

And now as I scour Google for the funny meme pictures that make me giggle they all seem to come from Tumblr. And I know they first came from the /b/-tards on 4chan. /b/ is one of the many, and most infamous, forums on 4chan. Tumblr is much more mainstream and popular than 4chan due to it having rules and restraints to negate racism, crudeness, and bigotry. And since Tumblr is so trendy it attracted hipsters which now compose most of its members. But the fact remains that Tumblr is borrowing 4chans products and passing them off as their own, since I doubt most hipsters know what 4chan is due to 4chan's demographic are socially awkward/challenged, basement-dwelling gamers; and sociopaths. 

Apparently there's also a war waging betwixt Tumblr and 4chan. I haven't personally seen any flying shrapnel, unlike YouTube flame wars. I hear of attacks from one another but I have yet seen any kind of action actually taken, perhaps because I am on neither site.

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