Friday, February 11, 2011

Sir Fapsalot

     In my everquest to gain interweb fame/notoriety, I have recently thought about going about this though memes. Especially the meme faces i.e. Courage Wolf, Socially Awkward Penguin, and Foul Bachelor Frog. My first thought was Soviet Russia jokes, so I put my punam on a red background in a Rousky hat. But after making six I found them to be repetitive and not as funny as first planned. :/ But last night, as I rolled around fighting insomnia, I thought of another meme I could possibly create. I thought of FBF which lead to fapping, then I thought I could create many humorous fapping jokes. I thought of slapping my face on these suckers, but then I thought of the consequences. >.> So instead of my mug, I decided to put a cute lil' bunny rabbit on it! Due to the irony of gross fapping and cute bunny, and the age-old proverb 'multiply like rabbits.' So I just finished the labor, and then went to Meme Generator and created a few. So I hope that fairly soon I shall see Sir Fapsalot floating around Google/Tumblr/4Chan whilst I troll the interwebs!

Isn't he just adorable?

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