Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Saying Goodbye, Why is it Sad?"

     The other day, I had to take my 12 year old cat to get euthanized. She had stopped eating and drinking for over a month and was in a steady decline of health. So the other day my mom made the call that it was her time and Salem was telling us she was ready to go. Enough details about that.

     So this isn't my first rodeo, I've owned nine cats over my lifespan, and had four pass away on me. It doesn't really make it any easier, the death of a loved one is always tough and hard to deal with. I lost a cat about a year and a half ago, and that one hit me really hard, didn't help that I had to work that day and couldn't be in his company during his last hours. I was with Salem when she was taken in, but had to work later that night. The first cat I lost was back in 2004, I was in eighth grade and was on a band field trip/ concert at Disneyland. When I was returned to the school and being picked up by my mom, she broke me the bad news. It was tough, not just because it was my first lost cat but, because she had been in the hospital for a few weeks, again that lost time to treasure those moments you'll regret not cherishing when you had the chance. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

All Hallow's Eve, Cyberspace to Asgard

     Back in January I wanted to create my own personal Tron costume for Halloween. But due to my lack of employment, receiving all the necessary components became an issue. In May, due to the release of the movie, Thor, I was bombarded with comments of how much I look like the title character. From there on my plans for October's last day were to dress up as the son of Odin due to its lack of fiscal investment. All I need is a Mjolnir, and I'm rearing to go, because I'm just going to wear a plaid shirt as stated in my previous post, Thor Dilemma. But all this pondering upon Halloween's guise could be to no avail due to my lack of actual plans for the day in question. *le sigh*
     On a not-so-totally-but-still-completely unrelated note, I've gone from looking like Jesus in tenth grade to looking like Thor. I guess there's a godly presence about me huh?

     Final note, I am no longer unemployed and am happy to work at the Aztec Hotel. Yay money!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Day Has Come!

     For my avid followers, I have finally replaced my old EnV3 for the LG Octane. After many months of waiting, and numerous out-of-stock-when-I-go-to-the-store moments I have a new phone! Bully for me! And just in time, for my EnV3 has been putzing out on my by either withholding my texts or never letting me see my outgoing texts along with only working on speaker phone. Either way, I'm quite excited about and all is good!

For shits and giggles:

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thor Dilemma

     This past May I was barraged on Facebook with numerous notions of how I look like Thor, the Norse god of thunder. At first I didn't see the resemblance and thought they just saw we both sported beards, then I looked up the actor, Chris Hemsworth, and saw how he looked unThored and saw how much we looked alike.

Chris Hemsworth

      So for Halloween I am planning to dress like Thor, very cheaply though, by just purchasing the hammer and wearing a button up plaid shirt like he wheres on Earth. But nonetheless, I would be easily recognizable as Thor. But I have a problem, my hair is not long enough yet and I'm not sure it will be by Halloween. So hopefully my hair will decide to grow the extra inch or so in the next few weeks so I have a Halloween costume this year.

Also, I don't think I'll be that well physiqued
 by Halloween either.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Surviving Burgergeddon

     So as many as you know, Burger King had a huge promotion yesterday selling Whoppers at the reduced price of 88¢ due to it being August eighth (8/8). Now if you went to one of these establishments you would have most likely saw a horrific scene of cars backed up from the drive thru for almost a whole block, people swarming the inside of the restaurant, and employees frantically flame broiling burgers in the back. And due to all this chaos, the average order took about a half hour or more to finally get your food. I personally waited an hour, the main reason was because they lost about 50 of the order tickets. They were calling "20" and then orders were being called from "74". I could see that the tickets out of the machine were being neglected and ended up piling in the trash can below it. So anyway, getting a Whopper yesterday was a huge fiasco that wasn't thought about in advanced too well. But I did get my Whopper for only 88¢.

On a side note, Burgergeddon was totally worse than Carmegeddon. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Why Not? We Already Do It To Sheep

     Cloning, some say its unethical and playing God. Maybe it is, I'm not the person to say, only because I forgot to sign for the credential over the interwebs. Anyway, we've successfully cloned (to my knowledge) sheep, kittens, and puppies. Life's necessities right? Why don't we clone endangered species? I found out the other day that the Northern White Rhinoceros has only seven, SEVEN, left on the planet, all of which are in captivity. That should be species numero uno to clone, or at least top ten. Also, I believe that pretty much any large animal on the planet today is either endangered or in danger of becoming endangered, except for maybe grizzly bears, haven't heard much disastrous news about them. But despite my tangents, I think that cloning endangered species is a good task to put our world's geneticists to. 

Is that your horn, or are you just excited to see me?

Generic [90's?] endangered species wildlife puzzle, for the kids.

And of course, we must preserve the North American Idiot. Our country's prized possession.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The End is Over

So a few hours ago the Carmegeddon contsruction ended and the 405 opened up a good 12 hours ahead of schedule, kudos to the workers. And as you might have guessed, I did infact survive. The media went overboard with predictions of the “diaster” that Carmegeddon was going to be, and scared everyone stupid. But due to all those overhyped tactics, most everyone seemed to stay home and off the freeways leaving it wide open for me to clear across all of L.A. With no problems. My mom kept saying, “I wish it was Carmegeddon every weekend.” And if the freeways weren't clear due to everyone staying home, then maybe since it's Carmegeddon everyone else was just raptured?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Are They Really That Much Faster?

     The large square above that reminds you of missingno, is a QR Code, or Quick Response Code. They started off used as marking auto parts for Toyota, but have spread onto other products. I'm sure you've seen one somewhere, on a flyer for a store perhaps? On a package from FedEx maybe? Either way, all they are are barcodes. Now I don't have all the facts, but I'm not sure how slow old fashion barcodes are. Are QR codes going to replace the barcodes we've come to know and love within the next decade or two? Only Time will tell.

The End is Near!

     So for those of you not in the Southern California area, today is the eve of Carmegeddon. Which is what the media has dubbed this weekend since a 10 mile stretch of the I-405 through the Sepulveda Pass will be closed due to maintenance. 

     Los Angeles has been going mad for the past month talking about this. I've heard such claims as the 405 will be backed up in traffic as far as the Mexican border. As for me, I don't know how long I'll survive during Carmegeddon, but I hope I survive as well as I did on the rapture in May.

A little early there buddy.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Now You Can Have Your PSP and Make Phone Calls Too

The PSP as we know and love it has been around for awhile competing with
Nintendo's latest Game Boy installments fondly know as DS's.

And a year or so ago I saw one of these bad boys at a Best Buy.
This is the PSP Go, because the PSP wasn't portable enough. I admit though,
I do enjoy the sleekness of this sliding model. I don't, however, like that you
have to download all the games you want to play on it because its too sleek to hold the UMD's its predecessor could, but I believe the added an attachment for though so its all good now.

And these are a pair of Sony Ericsson phones, which in my personal experience have been really cheap phones that you usually get with an under the table contract that shadier than sitting under a tree. 

And so now Sony has put a PSP Go into their newest Ericsson phone (Xperia Play). Its available through Verizon Wireless (I believe exclusively) and seems pretty cool. Again you have to download the games, unless that UMD attachment works on it. 

Here's a pic I took while looking for a new phone  of this new Sony Ericsson. And in case you're wondering about my new phone from my post a few months ago, I don't have one yet. I've been due for my upgrade since late April but had to wait due to financial difficulties, then when I had the opportunity to get a new Octane, that I had my eyes on, they ran out of them in the store. Just my luck, so now I'm waiting to see what new phones they might get in in the following weeks.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

UCSD: Best Party School Ever!

     When one thinks of an awesome party school, they usually think of a campus thats blaring music and is intoxicated 24/7. The University of California, San Diego (UCSD) is not this way at all. It's students have the reputation of being no-lifed, secluded bookworms who live in the library 24/7. "Brian," you may ask, "if this is so, then why is UCSD the best party school ever?" Well theoretical question asker, I shall tell you. Every May UCSD holds their annual Sun God Festival, a huge music festival that transforms these bookworms into complete party animals. The vitality you feel on campus during Sun God is an amazing feeling. I get all giddy and excited just being on campus, before I even get on the field hosting the festival itself. 
     On the field they have three different venues; the main stage, the midway, and my favorite part the dance tent. The main stage has featured bands such as Relient K, Jimmy Eat World, Crystal Castles, Drake, and Wiz Khalifa. The midway usually hosts stand up comics, Cirque Berzerk, various dance crews, and bands like the Axis of Awesome. And the dance tent is host to many DJ's and bands like Shark Attack, Robbed by Robots, and other awesomeness!
     So for an event to turn some of college's most studious into complete party monsters, to me, makes UCSD the best party school ever!


Monday, April 11, 2011

Captain Planet: The Forgotten Super Hero

     Deep down in our hearts, we never did forget this shiny blue- skinned, green mulleted hero of the ecosystem. But we don't bring him into question when we ask if Spider-Man would kick Sabertooth's ass either. This righteous hero of Earth and nonpolluting captivated the many eyes of children in the early ninety's to reduce, reuse, and recycle in a way teacher's in public schools could never accomplish. So I've caught an episode or two lately on Boomerang when they play it at 3A.M. and I'm still in front of the T.V. I remember watching back in the day and how the Planeteers always wanted me to make a compost heap in my backyard and tell big corporations to stop polluting, and their super catchy theme song that without prompting (or seeing/hearing in a decade) broke out into spontaneously in high school and last month. While watching these episodes, I heard some terms that I don't remember then but are pretty heated political  debate topics of today, like global warming. Once I heard that I then thought, 'why is global warming just now (well past 6-7 years mostly) coming into question, when a children's T.V. show 20 years ago was talking about it?' Which I then proceeded to think why don't we have congress and the rest of the world's leaders sit down and watch a Captain Planet marathon so they can learn what fossil fuels are doing to the planet and how to slow down global warming and help keep the Earth clean? I really don't see why oil barons aren't picking up on these renewable energy resources, they don't need to give up oil, but if they went to solar, after the initial cost of setup and operations, they would virtually be making pure profit due to a low cost for maintenance and no need to hire so many people to gather the fuel and refine it etc. All in all it would cut costs in the long run and save the planet. 

     Captain Planet is comprised five teens from all over the globe, except for Australia, fuck Australia right? I mean its just a big deserty England anyways right? Thats how I feel most media thinks of Australia when they're thinking global diversity and trying to incorporate all the continents. So the Planeteers are Kwame: the calm, cool and collected leader wielding the powers of Earth from Africa; Wheeler: the hot headed American who's used as comic relief and blurts out the ignorance's of American people wielding the powers of Fire; Linka: the barely English speaking (only Planeteer who speaks English poorly by the way) Soviet Russian (to prove how Russians were no longer bad guys after the Cold War) sex appeal wielding the powers of Wind; Gi: the spunky East Asian girl wielding the powers of Water; and last and certainly least, Ma-Ti: the South American youngster who always falls into the trap set up by the badies first and who always needs to be saved wielding the powers of Heart. Ma-Ti is so lame and useless that they give him a monkey just so he's not a complete waste of time.

"By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!"
     And remember kids, the power is yours!

Monday, April 4, 2011

My International Audience

     While looking at my "stats" for my blog I have noticed that my posts have gone past the borders from sea to shining sea, and has reached a few abroad. Every time I see that my eyes shimmer and sparkle in awe and love, and it just makes my day.

Before you get all excited U.S., I'm fairly sure that most
of those 259 views are mine,  definitely half are. :/

     So I thank you Mexico, Canada, U.K., Malaysia, Indonesia, Italy, Puerto Rico, Australia, New Zealand, France, Latvia and Argentina. You guys are my heroes! Even if you guys aren't reading this and just happened to have skimmed across my site by chance I still thank you. So please continue to read, if desired of course, and make yourself known. I'd be happy to connect with my audience.

     Also while looking at my stats, it seems that you guys like rainbows and Tron. So I guess I should add more stuff like that huh?

     Anyway, hope you guys enjoy it. I love you all! Muah :*

Why's Everyone After My Cell Phone?

     I've noticed lately the huge rise in claims of importance to recycle one's old electronics; cells, batteries, laptops, etc. But why does one have to go to a special location to do it and not just toss it in the recycling receptacle every trash day? Is it because the recycling thats picked up every Monday morning from my blue can actually just goes to the same place as the black can? Or is it a much larger operation?
     Maybe these 'recyclers' are taking the old electronics for some sinister scheme. A scheme so sinister it could involve the production of robots! Thats right! The government is possibly taking our outdated, malfunctioning, replaced electronics to maybe make robot armies to perhaps take over the world. We have to stand up against this malfeasant robot army scheme and create a rebel alliance to counteract these robotic overlords, if that is the case.

Writing > Reading

     Normally, a good writer is also an avid reader, but I barely read and I like to write. Am I some strange anomaly, or is it just a product of the times. The way we communicate now a days via e-mail, IMing, text messaging, facebook; we write all day long. So with us communicating to each other by writing all day long its no wonder why I like to write even without reading avidly. But am I writing because I like to write? Or because, like the rest of my generation, I like to hear myself talk?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Immovable Object vs. Unstoppable Force

See Chuck Norris does have a chin, not a third fist.

     The age old saying "when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object." Will one triumph over the other? Which one is it better to be? Its a paradox, for if they meet at a 'stalemate' then the immovable object wins since the unstoppable force has, well stopped. And if the force does proceed past the object then the object is no longer unmovable, right? I may have a loop hole to all this madness.

Shazam vs. Superman

     So said loophole, it deals with the size ratio between the object and the force. Say the unstoppable force is a laser beam roughly an inch in diameter, and the unmovable object is a large mountain [like there's small mountain, in comparison to inch-wide laser beams]. If the laser beam goes all the way though the mountain, the laser being the force never stopped and the mountain never moved. Huzzah! Eureka! I have solved this age old paradox! I'll now accept my Nobel Peace Prize.

The Juggernaut [Left]
The Blob [Right]

Thursday, March 24, 2011

So Many Decisions

     Next month I'm due for a new phone upgrade, and just in time, since my current phone is glitching out on me, biggest glitch being the fact I can't hear phone calls unless I have the head set or speaker phone on. And to think that the EnV3 was so cool two years ago and now its an ancient artifact. I'm thinking about getting a smart phone with my upgrade, and since I'm on the Verizon network the big debate is Droid vs. iPhone. I'm leaning towards iPhone since I'm already familiar with it and I like Mac products. That does however kind of take away of the allure of figuring out your new toy [phone] on the first day, but I'm familiar with the iPhone 3 not 4 so I'll still have some fun. I'm not 100% though on if I want a touch screen for my phone, a touch screen is fine and all, but for my phone I do enjoy buttons which the Droid 2 has. If I did decide against the iPhone and went for the Droid, (theres multiple Doids, I'd probably go for either the 2 or the X) I'd lean more towards the 2 since it has a qwerty keyboard as opposed to a full touch screen. But I can't make any final decisions on the matter until I'm at the store making the upgrade knowing prices and such. I might not even have a smart phone next month at all. Who knows, but I will most likely give an update on it when it happens.

Grindr Logo
     So I do have an iPhone 3 that was a hand-me-down from my cousin when he upgraded, that I use for internet access and app-ing. While perusing the app store under the category "Social Networking," I found the Grindr app which a friend of mine has been razzing me to get. Grindr is an app that helps Gay and Bi curious guys find each other. "Hey Brian, why are you talking about Grindr?" said the theoretical voice. Good question. As I said I've heard about the app but never before seen the logo, until last night. And I just think that the logo looks really cool. 

     When I saw the Grindr app, I decided to take a look to see what all the hubbub was about, and I saw this theoretical meeting of two guys via the app. The conversation to the left is two guys chatting for the first time and before they say 'how are you?' they plan to meet up. This would NEVER happen between a heterosexual guy and girl. Gay people (men and women) seem to have this awesome openness when it comes to flirting and dating. Straight people always beat around the bush, and pussyfoot around; but if they didn't, it wouldn't work out!? While pondering this situation last night I had an epiphany about it; women are afraid of men, and men are afraid that women are afraid of them. So with all these fears heterosexuals have put up an obstacle course for dating that gay people decided to tear down since no one really like jumping through these hoops. So women: not all guys are complete douches (most probably are, but whatever), descent guys do exist. So next time you're out and about checking out groups of hot studly men type creatures, maybe you shouldn't try to hit up the alpha male of the group because he's most likely to be a douche. Just like the food pyramid, the very top is full of fats and oils. So maybe go more for the stud who seems next in line, he may be your knight in shining armor. But then again, if you're checking out a hoard of bros who have a designated 'alpha male,' there's a 90% chance that they're all complete douches. :/
Fats and oils: use sparingly

Friday, February 18, 2011

Tumblr: 4chan for Hipsters

Tumblr, the extremely popular and trendy "blogging" site. I didn't know about Tumblr until I saw it all over my facebook news feed. And now it seems to be the hosting site for many memes. Most of these memes were first introduced on 4chan, the scourge of the internet where there is no rules nor regulations and one can find any defiled piece of childhood one can imagine. But this isn't the first thing I've seen Tumblr steal, Twitter's logo used to be a "T" very similar to Facebook's "F" logo, but Tumblr now has the "T" while Twitter has a blue swallow as their logo.

Tumblr logo

So Tumblr is an icon thief, in my opinion.  Not only that I rarely see anyone actually really "blog" on their own pages. I see mostly "reblogged" images. So not only does the website steal from other websites, it encourages theft amongst its members. 

Twitter logos
But back to the correlation between Tumblr and 4chan. 4chan's been around for a few years now, and I first heard of it in high school. It was like a "meeting of the minds" in an old school 90's internet chat forum. Its just that these minds are not ones would particularly desire to become engaged in conversation with. As I mentioned earlier, anything defiling you can think of about any childhood memories (in pop culture) exists within the forum walls of 4chan. 
Facebook logo

And now as I scour Google for the funny meme pictures that make me giggle they all seem to come from Tumblr. And I know they first came from the /b/-tards on 4chan. /b/ is one of the many, and most infamous, forums on 4chan. Tumblr is much more mainstream and popular than 4chan due to it having rules and restraints to negate racism, crudeness, and bigotry. And since Tumblr is so trendy it attracted hipsters which now compose most of its members. But the fact remains that Tumblr is borrowing 4chans products and passing them off as their own, since I doubt most hipsters know what 4chan is due to 4chan's demographic are socially awkward/challenged, basement-dwelling gamers; and sociopaths. 

Apparently there's also a war waging betwixt Tumblr and 4chan. I haven't personally seen any flying shrapnel, unlike YouTube flame wars. I hear of attacks from one another but I have yet seen any kind of action actually taken, perhaps because I am on neither site.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sir Fapsalot

     In my everquest to gain interweb fame/notoriety, I have recently thought about going about this though memes. Especially the meme faces i.e. Courage Wolf, Socially Awkward Penguin, and Foul Bachelor Frog. My first thought was Soviet Russia jokes, so I put my punam on a red background in a Rousky hat. But after making six I found them to be repetitive and not as funny as first planned. :/ But last night, as I rolled around fighting insomnia, I thought of another meme I could possibly create. I thought of FBF which lead to fapping, then I thought I could create many humorous fapping jokes. I thought of slapping my face on these suckers, but then I thought of the consequences. >.> So instead of my mug, I decided to put a cute lil' bunny rabbit on it! Due to the irony of gross fapping and cute bunny, and the age-old proverb 'multiply like rabbits.' So I just finished the labor, and then went to Meme Generator and created a few. So I hope that fairly soon I shall see Sir Fapsalot floating around Google/Tumblr/4Chan whilst I troll the interwebs!

Isn't he just adorable?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

In Soviet Russia,

      This tale begins like three hours ago. My mother went out to be with her friend leaving me alone at home with nothing to do. This didn't help the fact that my feelings of being isolated have grown over the past few weeks. So instead of going out on the town Saturday night, I lived it up by using the internet on my mom's computer as opposed to my iPhone. Party animal, I know. As my mother dolled up to go out, I plan on what I shall do with my night. Then the idea hit me! (Background info to make sense of upcoming plot: due to her moving, my friend decided that she no longer wanted her Russian-style looking fur cap and gave it to me.) The hat I just got from my friend! I'll take a picture of myself and Photoshop it to say "In Soviet Russia," jokes! And so I did, here are the fruits of my labor:

     The visual idea for the pictures come from existing memes like Socially Awkward / Awesome Penguin, Insanity Wolf, Foul Bachelor Frog, etc.